The True Story!

About this Series

Each week we'll be revealing the sordid, behind-the-scenes details about MCADCafe. You'll meet the characters who work energetically day and night to bring you this great MCAD resource. Their energy, dedication, and tireless devotion to the job have made MCADCafe the number one resource on the web. And now, for the first time, you'll see how it all mysteriously becomes reality, how these brave men and women - unsung heroes of cyberspace - place their very lives and existence on the line each day to bring you the very best -- or not!

This cartoon column is based on a series of books that I wrote with the help of a great, but whacked-out cartoonist, John Johnson back in the early eighties for Addison-Wesley publishing.

Have fun, enjoy, and Let me know what you think! We don't do much of that around here, so your input is greatly appreciated!


David (Dr. C. Wacko) Heller

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